Jack Hills

Chief Investment Officer

chief Executive officer, Financial advisor


Florida transplant who made the reverse migration to upstate NY. Enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17. Spent five years deploying across the world as an intelligence analyst - think James Bond, but without the tuxedoes, gadgets, cars, women, and world saving adventures. Skilled in: making the perfect old fashioned. Flawed in: three foot putts for bogey.


I am the Chief Investment Officer and co-founder of Icono Capital. I’ve worked at a Wall Street wire house and one of the largest life insurance companies in the world. The most important thing I learned from my time at both though is how each has very different things they’re good at, but what they’ve always failed in is always the same; being authentic. We don’t cold call and we don’t fabricate problems to suit our own solutions.


Making sense of the markets! Although at times it may feel like being color blind and trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, I love that it’s something you’re never done learning about, reading for, or being humbled by. However, like how every problem has a solution, there’s also always a way to make money in the markets, you just have to know where to look…. Usually.

Currently binging: For all Mankind

Trust me on this: Sous Vide